Azimio Senator asks EACC to probe Machakos County for stealing bursary funds with impunity.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024 - An outspoken Azimio One Kenya Alliance Senator has asked the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) to probe how Machakos County has been distributing bursary funds.

Speaking on Tuesday, Vihiga Senator Godfrey Osotsi, who is the chairman of County Public Investments and Special Funds Committee, revealed how Machakos County paid altered bursary cheques to needy students in the financial year 2020-21.

The auditor general in her report had flagged off the anomaly pointing out a possible collusion between the Kenya Commercial Bank (KCB) officials Machakos Branch and the County officials.

It emerged that some cheques were altered with the suspects adding a zero at the end of the cheques, thereby increasing the amount of money channelled to the needy students.

“This matter is a clear case of fraud. The amounts stolen in this scheme could be higher. 

"We direct the EACC to swing into action and fish out the perpetrators of the fraud,” said Osotsi.


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