Former Governor MWANGI WA IRIA’s wife arrested over theft of Sh 140 million from Murang’a County

Wednesday, April 17, 2024 - The wife of former Murang’a County Governor, Mwangi Wa Iria, has been arrested over embezzlement of Sh 140 million from the county government.

It was reported that the wife, Jane Waigwe Kimani, was arrested alongside her brother, Solomon Mutura Kimani, on suspicion of involvement in a Sh140 million graft case.

"The two are currently before the Milimani Anti-Corruption Court for plea-taking. They are directors of one of the companies used as a conduit for the fraudulent scheme," it was reported.

"EACC is pursuing the other 6 suspects, including the former Governor, who failed to honour summons to appear before it on Wednesday, 8 a.m."

On Saturday, April 13, the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP) recommended six charges relating to the Sh140 million graft case.

This was after EACC investigations uncovered procurement irregularities and conflict of interest during the award of publicity tenders in Murang'a County.

Mwangi wa Iria is currently on the run.


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