Kisii Governor SIMBA ARATI nominatES JULIUS OBEBO as his deputy after ROBERT MONDA was impeached


Wednesday, March 20, 2024 -  Kisii County Governor Simba Arati has nominated the county public service board chair Elijah Obebo to be his deputy, following the impeachment of Robert Monda.

The announcement of the nomination of Obebo was made by Kisii Assembly Speaker Philip Nyanumba.

The nomination is, however, subject to approval by the county assembly.

Ichuni ward MCA Wycliff Siocha was impressed by the governor's choice, urging Obebo to work towards transforming the county.

 "Congratulations Elijah Obebo for your appointment to the deputy governor post to replace Dr. Robert Monda.

"We are grateful to Simba Arati for maintaining the negotiated democracy matrix which has seen this position coming back to Nyaribari. 

"Our expectations as the people of Kisii county are high and we pray that your skill set will help you to be a true servant to our people and the governor," said Siocha.


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