Demolitions loom as RUTO evicts hustlers in Jogoo Road, Mbotela and 4 other estates in Nairobi – You have 2 months to leave or bulldozers will force you out

Friday, March 1, 2024 – President William Ruto has announced another demolition in the next two months to pave the way for his controversial Affordable Housing.

In a letter copied to the Lands Cabinet Secretary Alice Wahome, Ruto, through Housing Principal Secretary Charles Hinga, directed individuals living in six estates in the Eastlands area of Nairobi to vacate.

The PS named the affected areas including Jogoo Road Phase I & II, Jamaa, Mbotela, Ahero, and Mawenzi Gardens.

Hinga further revealed that the affected families had lived in old government houses and have until April 30, 2024, to leave.

"As you are aware, the Government is implementing the Affordable Housing Program (AHP), which is part of the Bottom-up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA). 

"Pursuant to this, several old estates have been identified for redevelopment in order to increase rental stock, avail houses for sale to citizens at affordable rates, and create job opportunities for the youth," he directed.

"In line with this, several Government Estates in the Eastlands area have been identified and earmarked for redevelopment. 

"These include Jogoo Road Phase I & II, Jamaa, Mbotela, Ahero, and Mawenzi Gardens. To pave the way for their redevelopment, there is a need to vacate all tenants residing in these Government estates immediately."

The PS further directed the occupants to ensure that they surrender to the Director of Estate Management in vacant possession. Tenants are, therefore, expected to pay all the outstanding rent arrears, utility bills and service charges.

"Please note that tenants vacated from these estates will be accorded priority to purchase or rent a house once the redevelopment is complete," he added.


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