RAILA ODINGA urges Kenyan men to stop beating and killing women – Says the perpetrators should be jailed for many years

 Sunday, January 28, 2024 - Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga has once again waded into the increased cases of femicide.

Speaking in Mombasa during a rally, Raila said he was saddened by what has been happening to women in the country.

"We condemn what has been happening in the country and we want action taken," Raila said.

"We want women to feel safe in their houses. We must condemn GBV in our country. "

"Bwana kama ameoa msichana, hiyo sio mali yake. Bibi ana haki ya kuishi kama bwana. Bibi yako ni partner yako, si mali yako,"he said.

This loosely translates to; If a man has married a woman, the woman is not the man's property. Your wife has the right to live just like you (man). She is your partner, not your property)

"Mtu yoyote atakaye piga bibi, achukuliwe hatua kali ya kisheria, afungwe jela miaka mingi zaidi,"the ODM party leader said.

(Whoever beats up a woman, should face the law and get jailed for years)

Raila said the ugly scourge of the murder of women is now a national emergency.

He added that femicide cases are a threat to homeland security, and must an end.

“We want to ensure that our society guarantees our women freedom and security that they rightly deserve,” Raila said.

The Kenyan DAILY POST.

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