Opulence: Transport CS DAVID CHIRCHIR ships in a Mercedes Benz G-Wagon worth Ksh 20 Million after buying a Lexus LX 600 and a BMW X 5 for his daughter (VIDEO).

Saturday, August 17, 2024 - Transport Cabinet Secretary David Chirchir has reportedly shipped in a Mercedes Benz G-Wagon valued at approximately Ksh 20 million.

The high-end vehicle was pictured being offloaded at the port.

Reports indicate that Chirchir imported a Lexus LX 600 and a BMW X5 for his daughter last year when he was heading the Energy docket.

Chirchir is said to have looted billions of shillings when he was Energy CS before Ruto moved him to the Transport Ministry, where he will continue looting taxpayer’s money.

Chirchir is one of President Ruto’s most trusted allies.

Watch the video of his new luxurious vehicle.

The Kenyan DAILY POST.

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