Struggling city politician, SAMWEL MASAKI, who has been fronting himself as one of the Gen Z leaders, was chased away and almost beaten up by the youth in Kakamega during a public function (VIDEO)

Tuesday, July 30, 2024-Youthful city politician, Samwel Masaki, was forced to cut short his speech after he was confronted by a group of rowdy youth in Kakamega during a public function.

The drama started after Masaki, who has been fronting himself as one of the Gen Z leaders, started discussing issues to do with the youth at a function attended by different politicians.

Some Gen Zs moved near the podium and booed him off stage, forcing him to cut short his speech before things got ugly.

Masaki and a group of other opportunists have been trying to take advantage of the anti-government protests to front themselves as Gen Z leaders.

However, Gen Zs insist that they have no leaders.

Watch the video.

The Kenyan DAILY POST.

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