You should resign because we cannot allow you to be the DP of Mt Kenya – BARASA tells GACHAGUA

Sunday, June 9, 2024 - One of President William Ruto’s foot soldiers has urged Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua to stop preaching politics of ethnicity.

Since he declared his resolve to unite the Mt Kenya region and champion the one-man, one vote, one-shilling narrative in the country's revenue-sharing formula, Gachagua has been branded a tribalist and ethnic bigot by those close to Ruto.

Kimilili MP Didmus Barasa challenged the deputy president to give up his seat and retreat to his Mt Kenya region to politick there.

According to Barasa, it is irrational for Gachagua to be only preoccupied with the wellness of Mt Kenya, his native region, despite being in the presidency, which is a symbol of national unity.

"When allowed to serve as deputy president, you will not serve one region or ethnicity, you are the deputy president of the whole of Kenya. 

"I want to ask our deputy president respectfully, that if he is not fit to be the deputy president, he can retire and run for the Nyeri governor's seat, Mathira MP or be a village administrator in Nyeri. 

"We have to call him to order," fired Barasa.


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