RUTO has not seen anything yet with the ongoing demos against Finance Bill and the ‘RUTO must go’ chants as RAILA mobilizes his troops to embarrass him further

Tuesday, June 18, 2024 – President William Ruto will have it very rough today if what former Prime Minister Raila Odinga has in store for him is anything to go by.

This is after he mobilized his troops to match to Parliament and shoot down the contentious Finance Bill 2024.

Raila, through ODM, had reportedly sent letters to MPs concerning the Finance Bill 2024.

While speaking during a media interview, Seme MP James Nyikal revealed that the letters had been sent to inform all members to vote on the bill.

Nyikal added that the letters were sent earlier this week emphasising the party’s position in the highly opposed Finance Bill 2024.

"I know letters have been sent to ODM members but I have not received one. However, I am aware of the party's position," he added.

The politician explained that the letters have been sent to only ODM members serving in the National Assembly, not the Senate.

According to Nyikal, the government should amend the bill to ensure it takes into consideration suggestions from Kenyans.

He added that if the bill was unpopular among Kenyans, it would be difficult to implement.

He urged the relevant body to drop the bill and draft a new one that has the best interest of Kenyans.

ODM Secretary General and Nairobi Senator Edwin Sifuna has asked its members to shoot down the bill set to increase the cost of living for a majority of Kenyans.

On the other hand, ODM deputy party leader Hassan Joho has warned all MPs have been cautioned against passing the bill. He added that the party would deal with all those who vote yes.

Ruto is already facing serious resistance from Kenyans who have poured to streets to demonstrate against the Finance Bill, with chants ‘Ruto must go’, renting the air.


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