MIGUNA MIGUNA shares the phone Number of Dagoretti South MP JOHN KIARIE (KJ) for claiming that photos of Finance Bill 2024 protests were photoshopped

Thursday, June 20, 2024 - Dagoretti South Member of Parliament John Kiarie was on the receiving end of criticism from Kenyans after claiming that photos of the ongoing protests against the Finance Bill 2024 are photoshopped.

Kiarie made the remarks on Wednesday when Parliament was discussing Finance Bill 2024.

“Fake demonstrations! Some of the photos do not belong to this country. They were photoshopped and I know this because I am a graphic expert,” Kiarie said.

Kiarie's statement angered many Kenyans, including controversial lawyer Miguna Miguna, who shared the legislator's phone contact.

KJ, Gen-Zs and Millennials have no time for your Nyayo Juu jokes. Patriots, here is the number: 0725 520 323. Do your thing,” Miguna wrote on his X platform.

KJ is among legislators who have abandoned their people for their stomachs and they are currently supporting the punitive and retrogressive Finance Bill 2024.


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