Disgruntled workers expose an affair between senior Naivas executive and their supervisor MUKAMI MUNDERU, who is making their lives miserable - This woman is evil (READ).

Thursday, June 13, 2024 - Employees at a consignment under Naivas Limited have come forward with shocking allegations of exploitation and mistreatment.

 This upsetting story reveals a work environment full of capricious terminations, protracted pay arrears, and unwarranted deductions. 

The supervisor (who is allegedly protected by her relationship with a senior Naivas executive) is accused of exercising unbridled authority and leaving employees defenseless and without options.

 “Hi, Nyakundi. For being the voice of the voiceless, I have this sad story of mine and fellow employees. I work for a consignment under Naivas. Imagine the boss fires people anytime she feels like.

" You can work up to three to four months with zero pay.

"She deducts unnecessary deductions, delays payments, and is rude when asked for our dues.

"The reason is she's a side chick to the Boss. 

"We are suffering as employees under their watch. None of us can afford a lawyer. Imagine no leave in a year, just one day off... 

"They don't provide lunch like they did before... No salary increment and late payment.. The boss gets paid two times a month... 

"She bags up to millions in just weeks. The name of the company itself is "What the Pop". 

"It deals with mostly fresh juices, salads and ice cream spread across Naivas branches in Naivasha, Nairobi, Nakuru, Kisumu and Mombasa.

 At the time we had a boss named Gabriel who had made the company better. 

"Even NHIF, NSSF and KRA were sorted but then sales weren't as good as now so he left because many issues started arising... 

"There's no basics like NHIF, NSSF, or the likes. Salary delays to a point where you end up borrowing. Even if sales are at their best, she doesn't appreciate it.

"Last month, she was all in my inbox saying I was not performing but at the end of the month, sales were at their peak because we had increased. 

"She promised to award us double salary but she started telling us she's not going to pay us any double salary because we were sabotaging sales... 

"So next month we should get it because she'd also promised us a trip to Dubai or a cash reward... The company has no HR... Only one supervisor who doesn't listen... 

"The director is everything... She blocked me after I resigned and we agreed she'd pay my three months' salary... 

"A lot of people have had to resign because she's paying for her budgets but not the staff... 

"She doesn't provide breakfast or lunch but expects you to work from 8 to 8.”

The Kenyan DAILY POST.

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