BONIFACE MWANGI reveals why RAILA ODINGA went missing during the Finance Bill demos in Nairobi - This is too embarrassing for BABA

Wednesday, June 19,2024 Award-winning journalist Boniface Mwangi has revealed why former Prime Minister Raila Odinga was absent during Tuesday's demonstrations against the Finance Bill 2024.

Addressing journalists on Tuesday, Mwangi, the organizer of the Occupy Parliament movement, explained that Raila Odinga was absent due to his advanced age and because he is contesting for the African Union chairperson position.

“Raila is unemployed, is looking for a job at the AU so he is busy canvassing to get the seat. 

"Raila is also old. He has done this for over 40 years. 

"We should be ashamed of ourselves for demanding more from Raila. He has given his best,” Mwangi stated.

Mwangi further said it is the civic duty of all citizens to hold their leaders accountable.

“If the Opposition has let us down, it is because they have no leader,” he stated.

Last year around the same time, Raila Odinga called deadly anti-government protests over soaring cost of living, tax hikes, and alleged malpractice in the 2022 presidential election.



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