You have been appointed to serve Kenyans, not your communities – RUTO tells CDF KAHARIRI and his Deputy OMENDA

Saturday, May 4, 2024 - President William Ruto has told the newly appointed Chief of Defence Forces, General Francis Kahariri, and his deputy, John Omenda, that their appointment is to serve all Kenyans, not their communities.

Speaking after the swearing-in ceremony of the military bosses, Ruto asked the two to refrain from using their power to push their communities' interests.

"Let me repeat for the avoidance of doubt and in line with your oaths of office, you will serve the people of Kenya. None of you has been appointed to serve your communities, regions, faiths or any other partisan pursuit. 

"Your mandate and responsibility is to the people of Kenya," Ruto said.

Reiterating that their mandate is to serve Kenyans, Ruto reminded the two military bosses to exercise authority that comes with acknowledgment of responsibility.

"Responsibility comes with accountability. It is my expectation and that of Kenyans that the authority you will exercise will come with enormous acknowledgment of responsibility on your shoulders and the accountability that comes with it," the president added.

He, however, expressed his support to the two military bosses and congratulated them for the newly assumed responsibilities.

"You have my support, my prayers and my goodwill as you discharge your responsibilities and the people of Kenya have tremendous goodwill for the military. 

"Otherwise, I want to congratulate you and your families for the responsibilities that you have assumed," Ruto added.


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  1. He is so angry he couldn't put a Kalenjin!
