URIRI residents demonstrate after RAILA ODINGA expelled their MP from ODM as they claim that BABA is also working with RUTO

Saturday, May 11, 2024 - Uriri Constituency electorate took to the streets on Friday, accusing the Orange Democratic Movement, under the leadership of former Prime Minister Raila Odinga, of being unfair after expelling area MP Mark Nyamita.

Nyamita was expelled for reportedly working with President William Ruto’s Kenya Kwanza Alliance.

Addressing the press during the demos at Uriri town, the residents said the expulsion was one-sided and unfair, as all the leaders were not called during the meeting.

The residents called upon the leadership of ODM and pleaded with Raila Odinga to have talks with both leaders and reconsider their decision against Nyamita.

“We are in ODM as residents of Uriri. We are not leaving, that is all propaganda. Our MP should have a stand and lead us under ODM because we are not buying the idea of Nyamita's expulsion. 

"Let us stop spreading that Uriri is not part of ODM," one resident stated.


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