This is exactly how the Kenyan police officers deployed to Haiti will spend the Sh8 billion from the US Government


Friday, May 24, 2024 - United States President Joe Biden will disburse Ksh8 billion to Kenya today despite tough opposition from Republicans.

This money will partly be used for purchasing military equipment for Kenyan police officers being deployed to Haiti. 

In March, it emerged that US lawmakers had blocked a request from the State Department to disburse the funds, arguing that the mission in Haiti was not made clear to the House.

To ensure that the mission continues as earlier planned, Biden bypassed Congress by using the Presidential Drawdown Authority (PDA) to fast-track the disbursement. 

The money among other things will be used for weapons that the Kenyan police will use to suppress Haiti gangs who have taken control of 80 per cent of the Caribbean nation. 

According to reports, Kenya will be supplied with armoured vehicles, rifles and adequate ammunition to fight the gangs. 

The money is also being used to facilitate operational logistics as well as accommodation for the Kenyan police. 

On Monday, the Kenyan Government revealed that the officers would also receive monetary compensation for their efforts in Haiti. 

The move by Biden to use PDA to fund the Kenya-led mission in Haiti has been vehemently opposed by Republicans led by House Foreign Affairs Committee Chair Michael McCaul and Senate Foreign Relations Committee ranking member Jim Risch. 

Among the concerns raised is that the weapons being given to Kenyan police will be from the Pentagon stockpile. 

Republicans fear that this will significantly dent the stockpile making it hard for the US to support other missions they consider more important than Haiti. 


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