'Si yeye alitengeneza fertilizer,' - Meru leaders defend MITHIKA LINTURI and term impeachment motion as malicious and ill-advised.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024 - A Section of Meru County leaders has come to the defense of Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Mithika Linturi, who is facing impeachment over the fake fertilizer scandal.

Led by the Meru County Assembly speaker Ayub Bundi, the leaders dismissed the impeachment motion against Linturi, terming it malicious and ill-advised.

They also watered down the accusations against him, saying he was not involved in manufacturing and distributing the fake fertilizer.

They also called on President William Ruto to join them in standing with the embattled CS ahead of his hearing before the 11-member committee established to investigate his conduct.

The leaders also called on the government to investigate the matter to shed light on the saga.

“Sisi tunaomba his Excellency William Ruto, vile sisi tulishikana tukasimama na wewe na watu wa Rift Valley na tukataka kiti iende Rift Valley, pia tafadhali tunakuomba, msimame na sisi wakati tuko na shida, kijana yetu waziri Mithika Linturi ataulizwa swali ndogo ama kubwa.

“Tunasema Linturi si yeye alitengeneza fertilizer, wala si yeye ali supply fertilizer,  si yeye mwenye aliuza, serikali ifanye uchunguzi. Itakua nani aliileta, nani aliiba na ili dhibitishwa na nani,” Bundi said.


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