See how RUTO influenced MPs to save corrupt LINTURI – No wonder the US Congress declined his request to address them.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024 - Former Mandera County Senator Billow Kerrow has revealed how President William Ruto influenced the outcome of the impeachment motion against Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Mithika Linturi.

On Monday, the National Assembly special committee probing the impeachment motion against Linturi cleared the CS of any wrongdoing, saying the motion’s grounds were not substantiated.

Seven of the 11 MPs in the committee voted to save the CS.

In Kerrow’s view, Ruto, whose Kenya Kwanza Alliance MPs constituted the majority in the committee, gave “cues” to vote against the impeachment motion.

The former lawmaker argued that the committee’s decision on Monday “was from the Executive or an attempt to save one of their own.”

“There is political experience involved in these cases always. People take their cue from the Executive,” he said.

The select committee’s verdict sparked a storm in Parliament as opposition MPs accused it of corruption and misconduct.

But Kenya Kwanza legislators defended the committee’s decision, maintaining that the impeachment motion’s backers had not presented enough evidence to make the case for Linturi’s ouster.


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