Even KHALWALE is disappointed after compromised MPs saved LINTURI – See his message to President RUTO!

Tuesday, May 14, 2024 - Kakamega County Senator Dr. Boni Khalwale is disappointed after President William Ruto rallied Kenya Kwanza Alliance MPs to save Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Mithika Linturi from impeachment.

Speaking to journalists after the committee saved Linturi from impeachment, Khalwale urged Ruto to do Kenyans justice by sacking the corrupt CS, who is solidly behind the fake fertilizer saga.

Khalwale stated that Ruto would eventually stand with farmers who were affected by the fake fertilizer.

 "I firmly believe that on this one, the president will use his immense constitutional powers and make the hard decision to keep his course on the fight against corruption by standing with the farmers who were scammed," Khalwale stated.

The MP further pointed out that the success of a special parliamentary committee is hinged on the actions of its chairperson.

Khalwale called out Marsabit County woman representative and Deputy Majority Whip Naomi Waqo, casting a shadow over her leadership of the committee.

 "The fulcrum of a special parliamentary committee is its chairman. 

"Hon Waqo, chair of the select committee on the dismissal of Mithika Linturi! 

"The mercurial & incomparable late Hon Dr. Bonaya Godana, who hailed from her community, might surely have turned in his grave!"Khalwale stated.


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