See the disturbing message that Uthiru Landlady sent to her tenants moments before the building collapsed?

Wednesday, May 8, 2024 - New details have emerged regarding the events preceding the collapse of the Uthiru building that housed 34 tenants.

The landlady, as well as the tenants, had noticed cracks in the building earlier in the day on Tuesday but the first engineer assessed the building and claimed that it was safe.

In a message the landlady later sent to the tenants' WhatsApp Group, she expressed worry that the heavy rains had affected backfilling soil sipping into the floor.

"Hi All. Engineer Chege has been and inspected the building. He stated that the building structure is safe. Due to the heavy rainfall, backfilling soil has soaked through, thus the floor breakage," read the message in part.

"I am concerned for all of us and I would not wish for anything wrong with our building. Please don’t hesitate to call me if you have any concerns."

Shortly after, the landlady informed the tenants that she had enlisted the services of another engineer for a second opinion over the safety of the storey building.

"I’ve booked another engineer to give us a second opinion. He will be here at 8 am (on Wednesday)," she added.

The four-storey building, located along Naivasha Road in Nairobi, collapsed at around 8: 00 pm. Fortunately, no life was lost.


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