Remember the man who caused a scene at PCEA Kikuyu Hospital accusing the hospital management of detaining a critical patient - The patient has died (VIDEO).

Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - Earlier this month, there was an incident at PCEA Kikuyu Hospital where a man caused a scene, accusing the hospital management of detaining a critical patient they were unable to treat.

The family of four had been involved in an accident and one member was admitted at the facility.

Unfortunately, the situation has taken a tragic turn.

The patient has passed away and the family is now accusing the hospital of gross negligence.

According to a source, the government pathologist's report suggests that the hospital's failure to provide timely emergency care contributed to the patient’s death.

The family’s ordeal worsens as the hospital has now detained the body due to a massive outstanding bill.

The family also claims that the hospital logged the patient out of the National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) before her death which effectively blocked them from using NHIF to cover the costs

The Kenyan DAILY POST.

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