Wednesday, May 8, 2024 – Canadian-based lawyer, Miguna Miguna, has shredded Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja into pieces, regarding his leadership that is riddled with incompetence and corruption.
Sakaja has faced scrutiny multiple times regarding his
leadership in the nation's capital which is very much wanting.
Miguna Miguna joined the ranks of leaders questioning
Sakaja's governance of the city.
Speaking with Oga Obinna during an interview, Miguna called
out Sakaja, terming his leadership as the worst ever.
"Sakaja is orchestrating the worst governance disaster
in the republic of Kenya. He is the worst performing governor," he said.
He also alleged that Nairobi is being looted compared to
former Governors Kidero and Mike Sonko's regimes.
He further complained that the city is dirty and very
disorganized, thanks to Sakaja’s leadership which lacks vision and mission.
As a result, Miguna accused Sakaja of being a letdown to
Nairobians and a big liability to President William Ruto and his government.