I am going through hell that I cannot wish on any human being – LINTURI cries his heart out to MPs as reality of impeachment sinks in

Thursday, May 9, 2024 – Embattled Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Mithika Linturi is going through hell as far as his looming impeachment is concerned.

Speaking before an 11-member committee hearing the impeachment motion against him, Linturi noted that he has been through a painful journey in life ever since an impeachment motion was brought against him.

He termed his woes as an occupational hazard that comes with his job.

"Whatever I've gone through for a number of years which is also manifesting itself here is not something I would wish on any human being. 

"It has been a long painful journey. When I thought I had gone through that kind of trauma, the motion is here with the same stories that I've been trying to fight for years," Linturi said.

"It is very painful for me because when I took over the Ministry the country was in a crisis, we didn't have food, we were trying to import food. 

"We produced 67 million bags within the first year. 

"I will soldier on because this is what I would call occupational hazard, it comes with the job I'm doing but remember members, I sat on that side for 15 years, you may also cross to this side. 

"So, as you decide on this matter, please do justice."

Linturi, who denied any wrongdoing, lamented that his case has been linked to personal cases of love and affection, relating to his previous relationship.

"We have been wondering, and we have read and read this motion with a lot of keenness. And we've been left wondering why we are here. 

"Of course, we know a simple answer that there's a motion before the house and it was sent to this committee to investigate," Linturi added.

"Here's why we've been wondering why we are here. 

"The motion before you has three allegations, allegation number one relates to the Constitution, allegation number two relates to alleged crimes at the national law which unfortunately the evidence given, is the evidence that arises from personal cases about love and affection."


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