Big blow to RUTO as WAITITU dumps UDA and joins RAILA ODINGA’s AZIMIO – Terms the President as a Liar.

Friday, May 17, 2024 - President William Ruto has suffered a big blow after former Kiambu County Governor Ferdinand Waititu dumped the United Democratic Alliance(UDA) and joined former Prime Minister Raila Odinga’s Azimio One Kenya Alliance.

Speaking during the Limuru III conference at Jumuiya Conference in Limuru, Waititu said he has dumped Ruto’s UDA because it is full of liars.

Waititu‘s defection comes a day after he linked his Sh 588 million corruption case to his support of William Ruto's presidential bid in 2022.

In his testimony before Chief Magistrate Thomas Nzyuki of Milimani Anti-Corruption Court on Wednesday, Waititu said that when the politics of Tanga Tanga started, he was one of the major proponents in Kiambu.

He said because of supporting William Ruto, the then-ruling class engineered his arrest and subsequent charging in court.

“I supported Ruto so much when he was the deputy president. I was sacrificed in a wider political war linked to the 2022 succession politics.”

He defended himself, saying the pending graft case was leveled against him so that he could be hounded out of office—a move which Waititu said the former ruling class succeeded in.


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