UDA Senator SAMSON CHERARGEI blasts RUTO’s government for wasting billions on furniture as he exposes Bunge Towers scandal

Thursday, April 18, 2024 - Nandi County Senator Samson Cherargei has questioned the cost incurred during the construction of the Bunge Towers in Nairobi. 

Addressing the media yesterday, the Senator noted that the project cost Ksh9.6 billion, which is Ksh4 billion above the budget.

Cherargei roped in the Public Service Commission (PSC) to explain why the construction went over the budget, citing Ksh1.5 billion that was used to purchase furniture.

“There is no evidence of variation of 25 per cent as provided by the Public Finance Act which states that if you have to vary a project you vary by 25 per cent,” Cheragei noted. 

“Both PSC members that were there from 2010 should and must explain this mystery.”

The senator further explained that the Members of Parliament were reluctant to relocate to the new offices, as some parts of the building were yet to be completed.

“Despite the ongoing relocation of MPS, construction is ongoing on some of the floors. The gym and the kitchen among others are incomplete. The lift is not working as well,” he noted. 

The legislator also claimed that despite the billions spent on the over-a-decade-old project, it was still not up to the societal nor health standards for the MPs to occupy. 

“The lift does not work and some of the offices lack windows. MPs might be exposed to jaundice from lack of light,” he added. 

Further explaining the deplorable state of their current offices at the KICC, Cherargei added that the Parliament administration has failed to give media coverage of the building which Kenyans deserve to see. 

“If you see members don’t want to relocate from KICC which is dirty, has no lighting, and the toilets are smelly to a new building then there is a problem.” 

The building contains 331 offices, committee rooms, an open garden floor, an ultra-modern restaurant, a health club, and four basement parking floors that can accommodate up to 350 vehicles.


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