See the number of state officers who have fake certificates like SAKAJA - RUTO reveals the shocking numbers

Thursday, April 18, 2024 - President William Ruto has revealed the number of state officers who have fake academic credentials like Nairobi County Governor, Johnson Sakaja.

Speaking during the Wage Bill Conference on Wednesday, Ruto said there are over 2,100 people with fake academic certificates working for the government.

The head of state ordered those with fake certificates to start leaving the government and look for money to repay the government for "obtaining money through false pretense'

"We will now confront the monster of corruption head-on going forward, whether it is in counties, whether it is in the national government. 

"Just imagine, a simple audit of people working for the government has revealed that we have 2,100 people with fake (academic) certificates working for the government," Ruto stated.

"I hope we are going to add one more resolution on fake certificates; those who have earned money using fake certificates should refund us our public money. Isn't it equivalent to obtaining (money) by false pretence? 

"Those who are in government offices today with fake certificates should resign and look for money to pay for the public resources that they have earned falsely."

Ruto says he is committed to taking the country where it should be, and nothing will deter him from doing so.

"We just must do what we must do. For your information, I intend to do it and I am ready to take the consequences. 

"I am already Zakayo so there is no problem. The country is going to get where I wanted it to go, I do not mind names so long as we get the country where it should go," he added.


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