RUTO visits the office of Nominated Senator Hezena Lemaletian at Bunge Towers and it appears he was blown away by her beauty - This lady rejected SIFUNA, EH! EH! (PHOTO).

Thursday, April 25, 2024 - Nominated Senator Hezena Lemaletian hosted President William Ruto at her office shortly after he officially opened the Bunge Towers situated directly opposite the Parliament Buildings.

The Head of State, whose soft spot for pretty women is well-known, was pictured sharing a light moment with the beautiful Senator.

Hezena’s beauty seems to have blown Ruto away.

She is among the most beautiful female politicians in Kenya.

Last year, Hezena accused Nairobi Senator Edwin Sifuna of sending goons to attack her during the ODM parliamentary group.

It is alleged that Sifuna was revenging after she rejected his advances.

Below is a photo of Hazina and Ruto which has gone viral.

The Kenyan DAILY POST.

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