Please don’t try to inherit me when I am still alive!! - RAILA ODINGA tells HASSAN JOHO and OPARANYA

Monday, April 1, 2024 - Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party leader, Raila Odinga, has asked leaders to stop ethnic and regional campaigns aimed at succeeding him.

There has been a fierce succession battle in the Orange party after Raila Odinga declared his bid for the African Union chairperson job.

Former Mombasa governor Hassan Joho and former Kakamega governor Wycliffe Oparanya, are among senior ODM leaders who want to succeed Raila Odinga as ODM kingpin.

Speaking on Sunday, Raila urged the two leaders to stop succession fights, maintaining that he is still the ODM party leader.

The former Premier likened Joho and Oparanya to men who want to inherit a woman whose husband is still alive.

"I have only said that I have to be the African Union Commission chairperson. I have not gotten the job, I'm still here," Raila said.

"Addis Ababa is not far from here and even if Baba is not here, we will sit down as ODM and agree on the way forward," Raila added.


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