MUDAVADI demands cartels behind fake fertiliser scandal be arrested and jailed as he puts NCPB officials on the spot.

Monday, April 1, 2024 - Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi has said all individuals behind the fake fertiliser scandal must be arrested.

Speaking on Sunday, Mudavadi said the government will not relent in its quest to comprehensively investigate the matter and criminals will be brought to book and face the full force of the law.

He insisted that the National Cereals and Produce Board (NCPB) should not delay in identifying the people behind it.

“We are telling NCPB, you should not delay anymore because you know very well when you follow the supply and distribution chain properly, which consignment was brought in by who and to be precise, when. Kenyans do not want stories because the answer lies with you NCPB,” Mudavadi said.

He spoke in Bomet where he attended a thanksgiving and prayer service at the African Gospel Churches of Kenya and later presided over a fundraiser to aid the church in constructing a 2,500-capacity sanctuary.

The Prime CS said the government will treat anyone who wants to disrupt the steady progress of the country’s food production sector as enemies of Kenya.

He affirmed that action will prevail and there will be no room for discussions with saboteurs of key sectors of the economy.


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