Kenyans really miss UHURU – See how they reacted after African Union appointed him to lead Election Observation Mission in South Africa?

Tuesday, April 30, 2024 - Former President Uhuru Kenyatta has landed another job with the African Union.

The AU appointed Uhuru to head the African Union Election Observation Mission (AUEOM) for South Africa in May 2024.

The African Union Commission (AUC) disclosed that Uhuru is set to lead a team of observers designated to monitor the forthcoming general election in South Africa.

The AU team is set to start observing the elections from May 21 to June 3.

The role of the team will be to offer impartial reporting or assessment of the quality of the poll, encompassing the extent to which the election conduct aligns with regional, continental, and international standards for democratic elections.

The news of this appointment excited Kenyans who celebrated him as the best president Kenya had ever had.

Some Kenyans hilariously took on each other by reminding anti-Uhuru campaigners that the former head of state was not living a lonely life at his Gatundu home as they had prayed and predicted.

President William Ruto's United Democratic Alliance (UDA) supporters were vocal opposers of Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Coalition, Uhuru's preferred faction.

"There are UDA supporters who think he's suffering in Ichaweri," "Vincent Mong'are quipped, in a targeted salvo against anti-Uhuru campaigners.

Godfrey Njihia Kaguthi, said the appointment was one of many wins Uhuru had achieved since leaving office.

"Keep winning Mr. President, Uhuru the great, master of soft power," said Kaguthi.

Wanjiru Lynette Kimemia said the appointment had rekindled her affection for Uhuru's leadership and referred to him as Prince Charming.

Stephen Ndung'u said that if getting such appointments was an equivalent of suffering, then Uhuru's suffering was admirable.

"President Uhuru Kenyatta - Emeritus continues to 'PARARA' (waste) in Ichaweri. We all miss you as 'fellow Kenyans'. Who deosn't?" He posed.

Muthoni Moe described Uhuru as a natural and loveable leader.

"He will always be a leader, congratulations Mr. President," Muthoni commented.


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