General OGOLLA will never rest in peace if you keep insisting that he was at Bomas to overturn your victory – RAILA now tells RUTO

Sunday, April 21, 2024 – Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga has maintained that the late General Francis Ogolla did not go to Bomas of Kenya to overturn President William Ruto’s victory.

Speaking during Ogolla’s memorial service at the Ulinzi Sports Complex yesterday, Raila requested Ruto to clear allegations flying around about General Ogolla’s involvement with the 2022 General Elections at the Bomas of Kenya. 

According to the ODM Leader, he knew Ogolla too well, and the man he knew could not have done what Ruto and his Kenya Kwanza adherents accused him of.

As a result, he told the president to remove that stigma so that Ogolla could rest in peace.

“Before we put the General to rest, your Excellency I want us to remove the stigma because I knew this man very well.” 

“General Ogolla would never have contemplated or thought about going to Bomas of Kenya to force Mr. Chebukati to alter the results of the last General Elections,” Raila stated.

The Kenyan DAILY POST.

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