Court teaches IG KOOME a lesson he will never forget as it orders him to pay KPMDU Secretary General DEVJI ATELLA from his pocket after harming him during demos


Wednesday, April 17, 2024 - Inspector General of Police Japhet Koome has received the shock of his life.

This is after the High Court ordered him to pay a doctor using his personal funds and not from the National Police Service (NPS) kitty. 

In his ruling, Justice Jairus Ngaah directed IG Koome to pay Dr Davji Atella, who serves as Secretary General of the Kenya Medical Practitioners, Pharmacists and Dentists Union (KMPDU), after ordering police officers to harm during the doctors’ strike.

Justice Ngaah of the Milimani High Court indicated that the compensation is for personal damages.

The court observed that the police violated Davji's rights when they used unlawful force to disperse peaceful protests at Afya House on February 29, 2024.

During the incident, Davji was hit in the head with a teargas canister and was recorded bleeding profusely. The incident sparked national outrage.

"The Respondent, from his personal funds, pays Dr Davji Atella, compensation in the form of general damages (under Article 23 of the Constitution and section 7(1)(j) of the FAA) for violating his rights while using unlawful force, to disperse the peaceable and unarmed picket at Afya House, Nairobi on 29 February 2024," the directive read in part.

"A costs order requiring the Respondent to pay, from his personal funds, the costs of this litigation, to deter his future attempts to suspend Articles 36, 37, and 41 of the Constitution or his use or authorisation of the use of unlawful force, to disperse peaceable and unarmed strikes, assemblies, protests, and picket contrary to Articles 36, 37, and 41 of the Constitution," it added.


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