You are just jealous of me! CS NAKHUMICHA tells Kenyans attacking her as she accuses some individuals of sponsoring doctors’ strike

Sunday, March 24, 2024 – Health Cabinet Secretary (CS) Susan Nakhumicha has strongly condemned the individuals criticising her over allegations of underperformance within the Ministry.

Speaking during a burial ceremony in Trans Nzoia, Nakumicha asserted that those levelling accusations against her were driven by jealousy towards her accomplishments and contributions to the Ministry.

“I have worked so hard for the Health Sector and people are getting jealous and bringing about chaos,” she stated. 

Furthermore, the CS accused individuals implicated in the Kenya Medical Supplies Authority (KEMSA) and National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) scandals of sponsoring the attacks against her.

“I want to assure you now that people have noticed how I’m planning my work and those thieves from KEMSA and NHIF are sponsoring these things.”

According to the Ministry head, her efforts to advocate for the lowering of NHIF deductions from Ksh500 to Ksh300 were the main cause for recent attacks launched towards her. 

“When I said we reduce the NHIF from Ksh500 to Ksh300, they said I was wrong. When I said those without money to get funded by the government, they said I’m wrong,” she stated. 

Nakhumicha has in the past days received major criticism from Kenyans, amid the countrywide doctor’s strike.

The doctors' strike, now entering the second week, has condemned the health sector, airing discontent on the capability of the current CS as chants of "Nakhumicha must go! filled the air outside the Afya House building on Friday. 

The doctors want their issues addressed. Some of the issues include poor treatment for intern doctors, adequate provision of medical coverage, and improve working conditions for health workers.


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