WETANGULA is a real goon! See how he hired and ferried goons to a burial in Trans Nzoia and chased away NATEMBEYA like a stray dog?

Sunday, March 24, 2024 - Trans Nzoia County Governor George Natembeya has registered his disappointment over the disturbance that unfolded during the burial ceremony of one of his employees on Friday, accusing National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetangula of orchestrating the whole mess.

Natembeya stated that the chaos ensued after several buses arrived at the burial site, transporting unidentified individuals from Bungoma.

Natembeya highlighted that Wetangula neglected to inform him of his intention to attend the burial, contrary to protocol.

“The speaker should have paid us a courtesy call and told us he was coming. That is protocol. I got to the venue of the burial and tried to calm the youth down and all of a sudden tear gas was sent our way,” Natembeya explained.

He further claimed that he received a call a day earlier and warned against attending the burial ceremony, as someone had hired buses to ferry people from Bungoma for the burial to cause chaos and chase him from the funeral.

“I was warned not to go to the burial because they suspected something was going to happen,” he stated. 

The governor further added that upon arrival at the burial site, he found all police officers surrounding Wetangula, which triggered the youths on the ground

Natembeya has requested investigations to establish the person behind the instructions to lob teargas at him and the youths on the ground, terming it as illegal. 

“Whoever instructed those people to fire the teargas at us should be arrested. Because there were old people and women present at the burial,” he added. 


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