Watch video of WETANGULA lying flat like a toddler after chaos broke out in a funeral - His security moved with speed to save his life (VIDEO).

Sunday, March 24, 2024 - National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetangula was forced to take cover after chaos broke out at a burial ceremony in Trans Nzoia County.

Wetangula’s supporters clashed with the supporters of Trans Nzoia Governor George Natembeya, causing disruption at the burial ceremony of the wife of former Nominated MCA Phillip Nyongesa, the late Sandra Nyongesa.

A video shared on social media shows Wetangula’s security team moving with speed to rescue him during the chaos.

He was forced to lie flat as stones flew all over the place.

Wetangula and Natembeya have not been seeing eye-to-eye as political supremacy between the two intensifies.

Watch the video of the chaotic event.

The Kenyan DAILY POST.

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