There is no man or woman on this continent who is competent enough and more qualified to be the AU Chairman than RAILA – LOOK!

 Saturday, March 2, 2024 - Narc Kenya Leader Martha Karua has also thrown her weight behind Azimio Leader Raila Odinga's bid for the African Union chairmanship.

Speaking in Kutus yesterday when she met Narc-K delegates in Gichugu, Karua urged Kenyans to support Raila, saying he has wide experience on matters of leadership both locally and internationally which places him in a good position to steer AU.

Karua described Raila as a competent leader who has what it takes to take over the leadership of the African Union.

However, she reminded the government that even in Raila’s absence, the opposition will continue holding the government accountable to Kenyans.

According to Karua, there won’t be a leadership vacuum in the Azimio Coalition.

She noted Kenyans should not think that the departure of Raila will weaken the Opposition because they will continue to oppose President William Ruto’s government, which she said has failed to address the plight of suffering Kenyans.

The Narc Kenya leader stressed that it was a sacred duty of the opposition with the backing of the citizens to stand firm and unwaveringly in holding those in public offices into account.

Karua lamented that Kenyans continue to be overburdened with high cost of living yet the government was doing nothing to address the problem.

She said the Kenya Kwanza regime has continued to oppress Kenyans with high taxation.


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