Stop it, lest you make him lose again - RAILA’s man now gags Azimio from further talking about BABA’s AU bid

 Monday, March 4, 2024 - National Assembly Minority Leader Opiyo Wandayi has warned politicians, especially those from the Azimio Coalition, to desist from speaking on the Azimio leader’s African Union’s Chairmanship bid.

Speaking in Ugunja over the weekend, Wandayi stated that the sentiments of politicians on the matter could negatively affect the rating of the opposition leader’s bid.

“I would like to take this opportunity to appeal to my colleagues especially those in ODM, to desist from making unnecessary and unhelpful comments on Baba Raila Odinga’s AU Chairmanship bid,” explained Wandayi.

He also added that the quest for the chairmanship is a delicate process, that would be affected by the constant politicking on the matter.

According to Wandayi, the national and international processes are intricate and the rest of the leaders may not be privy to such processes.

“Therefore, I appeal to my colleagues to keep off and stay away from this debate until it comes to its logical conclusion,” explained Wandayi.

However, Wandayi stated that the only leaders allowed to speak on the matter would be the candidate himself and the fifty-four Heads of State who are allowed to cast votes in the chairmanship elections.

He further noted that keeping off the topic would enable Raila to speak on the matter in ways that are befitting of the position.

The minority leader’s sentiments come at a time when Raila's camp is sweating over a proposal seeking to bar countries that have held the chairperson or deputy chairperson positions since 2022.


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