Stop forcing your husbands to build houses in the village – Pastor EZEKIEL’s wife rescues men from their nagging wives


Thursday, March 21, 2024 - Pastor Ezekiel Odero's wife, Pastor Sarah Wanzu, has come to the rescue of men from their nagging wives.

This is after she told women to stop forcing their husbands to build houses in the village, saying she too does not have a house back in the village.

Speaking during service at the New Life Church in Mavueni, Kilifi County, the mother of three said marriage was not all about building a house of your own.

"Hatuna nyumba kule nimeolewa. Tukifika huko gari ndio nyumba yetu. Pastor Ezekiel ndio firstborn na sijalilia nyumba (We don't have a house where I got married. When we visit the village, the car is our home. Pastor Ezekiel is the firstborn, and I have not bugged him for the house),” Pastor Sarah stated.

She urged women who complain about their husbands not building houses for them to stop and focus on meaningful things.

"Nyumba sio ndoa na nyumba sio maisha. Mimi sijajengewa. Na ukijengewa na ukaachwa, hio nyumba nani atakaa hapo (A house is not a marriage and a house is not life. I haven't been built for one. What if he builds you one and then he leaves you? Who will stay in that house)?" she posed.

The decorated preacher said all she wanted was a healthy life and more power to serve the Lord.

Sarah said despite having not completed school, she wants to preach the gospel of God worldwide.


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