SHOCK as a woman is reportedly drugged and her 7-month-old baby stolen while aboard a matatu - Who has seen this baby girl? (PHOTOs).

 Tuesday, March 12, 2024 - A woman is searching for her baby who was reportedly stolen on February 29, 2024, while aboard a matatu.

The distressed mother boarded a matatu at Nairobi Country Bus Station with her baby and sat next to an unidentified woman.

She was heading to Mutitu wa Ndoooa via Mwingi-Kitui County.

She fell asleep along the way and the woman who was seated next to her stole her baby and alighted at the Magogoni area along the Thika-Garissa highway.

It is suspected that the woman drugged her.

The matter has been reported to the DCI.

The Kenyan DAILY POST.

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