RUTO’s man reveals the real reason why they are supporting RAILA ODINGA for the AU job – Look!

Friday, March 1, 2024 - One of the Kenya Kwanza Alliance strategists has sensationally claimed that they are supporting former Prime Minister Raila Odinga’s bid to become African Union Chairperson to help him get rid of some politicians who have been relying on his endorsement every election cycle.

Many leaders in Luo Nyanza have been relying on Raila Odinga's endorsement but according to political strategist, Anorld Amariba, that culture will end once Raila exits the political scene and joins the AU as the chairperson.

"The only thing we owe Raila is actually to support him. 

"The people who have been hanging on Raila's coat to get political relevance really want to drag down Raila even at 84 in 2027 they still want to put them there so that they line up behind him. 

"They cannot grow their own strength," Amariba said.  

Amariba spoke on Friday when he appeared in an interview with one of the local TV stations.


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