Detectives arrest a member of a notorious gang that stormed into a residence and held a family hostage from 9PM to 2AM - Recover the stolen family car (PHOTOs).


Friday, March 1, 2024 - At 3am on Valentine's Day, police at Naivasha Police Station received a distressed call from a lady at Mirera estate, who had been accosted by a five-man gang at her house and held hostage from 9pm to 2am the same night.

The victim, Ms Nelly Cherop Kosgei reported that she was at her house with her two kids and the house help, when five men, four of whom were dressed in jungle uniforms, stormed into the house while armed with crude weapons.

After subduing the family with threats to kill if they raised the alarm, they ransacked the house for valuables before disappearing with two TV sets, two laptops, a JBL sound bar, and four mobile phones.

 The gang had then loaded the valuables in the complainant’s Nissan Dualis Reg. No. KDC 302V and sped off.

Luckily, no one was physically harmed in the incident. The robbery case was taken over by DCI Naivasha detectives who fruitlessly searched for the perpetrators in their area of jurisdiction, thus calling upon the Crime Research and Intelligence Bureau (CRIB) team based at DCI Headquarters to assist in the pursuit.

The team hit the ground augmented by the Operations Action Team (OAT).

After days of relentless pursuit by forensically analysing all possible intelligence leads, detectives proceeded to Nakuru North where they laid an ambush at the Kiamunyeki area, successfully cornering one suspect namely Joseph Ndung’u Waweru.

In his possession was a black Nissan Dualis fitted with plates Reg. No. KDE 074Q. On verifying the chassis and engine numbers of the vehicle, it was discovered to have been registered under the name of Nelly Cherop Kosgei, and that the fitted plates belonged to a lorry.

 Also recovered from the suspect were six sim cards, a pair of jungle green trousers, pliers, 14 steel tyre nuts, aerosol paint spray, a brown folded carton for carrying extra car registration plates, and foreign currencies of different denominations including South African rand, Mauritius rupees, and Uganda shillings.

The Kenyan DAILY POST.

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