RAILA ODINGA appoints ‘Grandpa’ AMOS WAKO to lead the audit of the 2022 presidential election

 Monday, March 11, 2024 - Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga’s Azimio One Kenya Alliance has appointed former Busia County Senator, Amos Wako, as the man who will lead the opposition team that will audit the 2022 presidential election.

The National Delegates Committee (NADCO) report which has the blessing of President William Ruto and Raila Odinga agreed to constitute a six-member committee that will audit the election.

Raila's side appointed Wako, Judith Pareno, and forensic investigator Julius Njiriani to the six-member panel.

According to the NADCO report, both Kenya Kwanza and Azimio were to nominate three members each to the panel which will comb through the results of the 2022 presidential elections.

The panel should be in place 21 days after the adoption of the NADCO report.

National Assembly Minority Leader Opiyo Wandayi wrote to the Speaker on Monday communicating members of Azimio to the panel.

“I have today written to the Speaker conveying the names of the three persons who will be our members in the panel,” Wandayi said.

“These three persons will be led by Hon. Wako; they will join their three counterparts from the Kenya Kwanza side.”

President William Ruto has yet to make public the names of their nominees to the Panel.


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