RAILA addresses UHURU’s concerns over his AU Chairmanship bid as Azimio warns him to be careful with RUTO – Look!

Thursday, March 7, 2024 – Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga was on Tuesday forced to come clean following concerns that former President Uhuru Kenyatta was not happy about his African Union Commission (AUC) Chairmanship bid and was in support of former Tanzanian President Jakaya Kiwete.

Speaking during the Azimio summit, Raila informed Azimio leaders that he had held separate meetings with Uhuru Kenyatta and told him about his intentions and that he had agreed to support his bid by talking it to former African Heads of State. 

He added that the East African countries have agreed to have him as their candidate.

The Azimio leaders then urged Raila to tread with caution while dealing with President William Ruto as he could set him up to fail to beat him in his own game politically. 

“We held the view that Ruto is a cunning politician who may purport to support him publicly but behind the scenes plot his downfall and reap politically by telling the masses that he has been rejected nationally and internationally,” a source said. 

 “While leaders are publicly supporting his bid for the AUC contest, Kenyans feel exposed to the punitive tax regime by the Ruto administration and they feel Raila has thrown them under the bus,” another leader at the summit stated.

The leaders told Raila that even though he was being sponsored by the State and despite their goodwill messages, they would continue criticising the Kenya Kwanza government by defending and fighting for the rights of the people. 


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