ODM will form the government in 2027 – JUNET MOHAMED says

Friday, March 8, 2024 - Suna East Member of Parliament, Junet Mohamed, has said the Orange Democratic Movement party will form the government in 2027.

Speaking in Wajir County on Thursday during the ODM party registration drive, Junet, who is also Minority Chief Whip, said that God willing, the Orange party will form the government in 2027.

The lawmaker also said ODM remains the largest party in the country and it has participated in more than five elections in the country.

"There is no need to worry. ODM is a big party in Kenya. There is no party bigger than ODM in the country, let alone parties that were launched recently. 

"ODM is the only political party that has fielded a presidential candidate in 2007, 2013, 2022 and 2027. ODM will remain ODM, and I am confident ODM will form the next government," Junet said.

Junet also dismissed claims that the Orange party would break up if the former prime minister won the African Union Commission's chairmanship position.

 "ODM will remain strong. We have two deputy party leaders, a minority leader and myself, who will take care of the affairs of the party in the absence of the party leader. 

"ODM will still be the biggest party in the country," he added.


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