MILLIE ODHIAMBO is going home in 2027 whether she likes it or not! - See the powerful man who wants to send her home!

Tuesday, March 5, 2024 - Suba North Member of Parliament Millie Odhiambo should start panicking after a powerful man declared his interest in her seat in the 2027 General Election.

In a comment on his X on Tuesday, lawyer Silas Jakakimba, dressed in a crisp black suit and a yellow tie captioned "Suba North, 2027".

His choice of a yellow tie might have indicated his party of choice in his bid for the seat, as the colours resonate with the ruling United Democratic Alliance (UDA) party.

Jakakimba is yet to declare joining President William Ruto-led party after ditching Azimio La Umoja One Kenya Coalition Party Leader Raila Odinga's side.

The lawyer has his work cut out for him, as he would have the herculean task of unseating Millie Odhiambo Mabona. 

Millie has been active in national politics since 2007 when she was nominated by Raila's ODM party before clinching the then-Mbita constituency seat in the 2013 polls.  


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