HASSAN JOHO declares there will be no boardroom meeting to select RAILA ODINGA’s successor.

Monday, March 25, 2024 - Former Mombasa County Governor, Hassan Joho, has declared his intentions to succeed former Prime Minister Raila Odinga as Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party leader.

Raila, 79, is expected to join the African Union as its chairperson and this has opened a succession battle in ODM.

Speaking on Saturday during a food distribution exercise for Muslims at Nidhamia Hall in Malindi, Joho insisted that he was ready to battle it out with anyone to succeed the ODM leader.

Joho further said he will not accept any boardroom deal to decide on who will succeed Raila Odinga, saying it is a vote by secret ballot that will decide the next ODM supremo.

“There are people within the Azimio coalition who have been calling me saying I am in a hurry. 

"They have been requesting for talks. 

"But I will not talk to anybody. We shall talk on the ballot. 

"I have just started and will not look back. 

"It is time for the coastal people to be appreciated," Joho said.


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