Watch Nakuru Town West MP SAMUEL ARAMA publicly shaming poor parents who flocked to CDF offices looking for bursary forms and calling them fools and idlers (VIDEO).

 Friday, February 2, 2024 - Controversial Nakuru Town West Member of Parliament, Samuel Arama, was filmed demeaning poor parents who flocked to CDF offices to look for bursary forms.

Hundreds of needy parents turned up at the CDF offices, hoping to get the bursary forms.

Arama was seen lecturing the parents and calling them fools and idlers.

Arama was mad at the parents for flocking to the CDF offices in huge numbers.

“ Hamna kazi ya kufanya?,” he was heard asking the parents.

Lazima mkuje nyinyi nyote?” he posed and called them idlers.

Popular blogger Gabriel Oguda shared the video on his X account and wrote, This is Nakuru Town West MP Samuel Arama publicly shaming poor parents who have flocked the CDF offices looking for bursary forms for their children who are yet to report to school for lack of fees. Whatever you do in this country, try not to be poor”.

The video has sparked reactions, with many people calling Arama out.

See some of the reactions.

The Kenyan DAILY POST.

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