Here is GATHONI WAMUCHOMBA’s reaction after the High Court rendered RUTO and RAILA ODINGA’s NADCO report useless

 Friday, February 2, 2024 - Following the High Court's decision to dismiss the National Dialogue Committee's final report that was endorsed by former Prime Minister Raila Odinga and President William Ruto, Githunguri Member of Parliament, Gathoni Wamuchomba, has finally reacted to the ruling.

In an interview with one of the local publications on Friday, Wamuchomba welcomed the move, saying both camps had forgotten about the ordinary Kenyans.

According to her statement, the courts were left to defend Kenyans as it is evident that Ruto's Kenya Kwanza government abandoned Kenyans.

Further, she claimed that the Mt Kenya region didn't vote for the entrenchment of the Office of Opposition Leader and that of Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi into the law.

“The National Dialogue Committee called for the creation of the office of Opposition Leader and entrenchment of Prime cabinet secretary office into the constitution which is contrary to what Mt Kenya region voted for in the 2022 election,” Wamuchobna said.

The lawmaker's statement came a day after Justice Mugure Thande ordered the IEBC selection panel to recruit IEBC commissioners and not to wait for the recommendation of the NADCO report.

In her ruling, Justice Thande said the political truce does not override what the Constitution stipulates.


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