Watch the moment Matungulu MP, STEPHEN MULE, angrily stormed KPLC offices and cornered the staff - Huyu Mheshimiwa Hapendi Ujinga (VIDEO).


Friday, February 16, 2024 - There was drama after Matungulu Member of Parliament Stephen Mule stormed KPLC offices and confronted the staff after they removed two transformers in his constituency, leading to a blackout.

In the video, the no-nonsense MP is seen lecturing KPLC staff at one of the substations in his constituency, accusing them of laxity.

He left Parliament when it was in session following public outcry from his constituents and went to KPLC offices, demanding to know why they removed the transformers yet they had been bought using CDF funds.

“ I bought these transformers using taxpayer’s money. Why did you remove them? Hii ni mali ya umma,” the MP was heard saying.

He demanded that the transformers be returned and made clear that he won’t leave the offices until they returned them.

The staff had no option but to install the transformers back after the MP threatened to lead the locals in demos.

Watch the video.

 The Kenyan DAILY POST.

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