UDA MP from Central Kenya threatens to lead mass protests to RUTO’s State House – Look! Hawa wamerambwa


Thursday, February 1, 2024 - Maragua MP Mary Wamaua has threatened to organise a march to President William Ruto’s State House over water distribution in the constituency.

The vocal UDA MP was lamenting the failure of the Murang'a South Water and Sanitation Company Ltd (MUSWASCO) to comply with water distribution during a demonstration.

Wamaua called upon the Water Services Regulatory Board (WASREB) to make sure that they look into the issue, adding that a march to statehouse would come if the issue is not addressed in time.

“We demand that the Water Services Regulatory Board (WASREB) reexamines the non-compliance by Murang'a South Water and Sanitation Company Ltd (MUSWASCO), failure to which we shall march to state house,” Wamaua stated.

In an address to the media during the demonstration, Wamaua and other women decried how poor hygiene due to lack of water had made their lives difficult.

"We don't have water. If you visit different areas in Maragua you will find that all are crying due to lack of water. 

"Women are not clean, just come to Kenol and see how people are dirty, there is no water for one to even shower,” one of the women stated.

Residents also called out the Murang'a County government for alleged lack of concern in addressing their issues of water distribution in the area despite them having complained severally.

In addition, the women stated that this situation was even affecting education in the area as school-going children had to put aside school work for some time to look for water.

Further, she expressed her fear of diseases among the residents as the water that they had resorted to using was dirty and appeared to be green in color.

Adding to the MP’s sentiments, Pauline Njeri, a UDA-nominated member of the Muranga County Assembly stated that she was ready to join the march to restore the dignity of the women.

The Kenyan DAILY POST.

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