Tiaty MP WILLIAM KAMKET arrested on serious charges after dumping GIDEON MOI for RUTO – Look! You won’t believe what he did

Thursday, February 8, 2024 – President William Ruto’s friend and Tiaty MP William Kamket has been arrested.

Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) officers arrested Kamket on Wednesday at around 2 pm and detained him at Nakuru Central Police Station. 

Reports indicated that Kamket was apprehended at his office and spent the night in police custody after his lawyer's pleas to release him were denied.  

The lawyer, Lemmy Lang’at, stated that the officers detained Kamket on allegations of inciting Tiaty residents to fight for the Sugoti area, which the MP wants to be part of his constituency. 

Kamket's legal team added that they were directed to wait for his arraignment at the Nakuru Law courts.

However, they were yet to receive communication of the date and time for his appearance. 

The DCI officers were said to have grilled him over making remarks bordering on incitement, hate speech, and violence. 

Political leaders from the Tiaty Constituency demanded his release and the charge sheet detailing charges levelled against Kamket. 

“MP Tiaty William Kamket was arrested by DCI under unclear circumstances at Nakuru and is currently held up at Nakuru Central police station.  

"The arrest is a mockery for the legislature has been preaching peace all along,” Tirioko MCA Lokales Sam Lourien stated. 

Lokales further urged Tiaty residents to wait for communication on the way forward as they continue to seek his release.

“On behalf of Tiaty leadership, we request our people to stay calm as we wait for our lawyers to brief us and further action from our courts,” Lokales added. 


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